Safer Internet Day – 9 February 2021

These days, with so much uncertainty in the world and online activity reaching record levels, Safer Internet Day 2021 is, as always, a welcome date on our calendar.

Today, 9 February 2021, the Safer Internet Day theme is:
An internet we trust: exploring reliability in the online world. 

The event will be celebrated globally. An internet we trust. In this instance, trust is not so much about personal data, but trust in the information we receive. After all, how do you know that this article you are reading now is actually fact, not fiction? So safer Internet Day will address issues of online reliability; namely, how we separate information into trustworthy versus unreliable sources. 

How to make the most of Safer Internet Day
A visit to the Safer Internet Day website gives you access to comprehensive information and tips, offering several links to educational resources, films, social media, as well as a register your support link. 

If you work with young people, there’s information on how to help them to challenge and change their online world into one where they are no longer wrongly persuaded or influenced. 

Parents too, get a pack of resources with activities, conversation starters and information on how to engage with their children on issues of online reliability.